
Welcome to the September 2018 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter! This September, GEN has turned 10 years. GEN would not have achieved this far without the support of its committed and dedicated members, the donors who supported GEN financially and technically over the years, development partners, women’s groups and networks and the government of Myanmar and related Ministries. GEN thanks each and every one of you who supported GEN along the way.

We always request a GEN member, friend or staff to provide some insight into their participation with GEN. This month, Daw Tyn Tyn Hla (Technical Resource Person), who actively participated in GEN's activities as a member, shared about her feelings and experience with GEN.

First of all, I’d like to greet all members of GEN ‘Best of Luck!’

I’m glad to send my greetings in the September Newsletter. As a TRP, while contributing my expertise as a translator, sometimes I drift along with sad stories of violence against women which give me a mixture of feelings, such as, pity, anger and frustration. GEN lets me gain knowledge about NSPAW, CEDAW and many more.

I’ll be supporting GEN and patiently wait, sometimes hopeful, sometimes frustrated, sometimes unhappy, sometimes elated from challenges faced by GEN till women and men in our country know about the rights of women and girls, and there is gender equality.Wishing you all to overcome all the challenges and to have a brighter future. Thank you!


GEN’s Highlights

CSO Capacity Assessment Workshops (Taunggyi)

Two-day CSO Capacity Assessment Workshop was held on 6th and 7th September 2018 at Cherry Queen Hotel (No.119, Myint Mo Street, Nyaung Phyu Sa Kham Quarter, Taunggyi). Gender Equality Network and DCA-NCA co-facilitated the workshop and 43 people (6 M, 37 F) including 37 representatives from 18  CSO s  joined the workshop.



CSO Capacity Assessment Workshops (Mandalay)

Two-day CSO Capacity Assessment Workshop was held on 12th and 13th September 2018 at Yadana Theingi Hotel (83th Street between 26 x 27, Mandalay). Gender Equality Network and DCA-NCA co-facilitated the workshop and 44 people (14 M, 30 F) from 21 CSOs joined the workshop.



Gender Equality Network's 10th Anniversary  

Gender Equality Network's 10th Anniversary was successfully celebrated at Sedona Hotel on 18th September 2018. Ministries, Parliamentarians, Government Representatives, Development Partners, Representatives from the Embassies, GEN members, Women Groups, Gender Groups, Representatives from the Private Sector, UNOPS, NGOs and INGOs participated.



CCL Training

3-day CCL training for GEN CU staff was conducted on 19th, 20th and 21st September at GEN’s office with the participation of staff from Yangon and field offices.


Forever White Ribbon Film Festival Press Conference

Forever White Ribbon Film Festival Press Conference which is part of 16 Days of Activism was organised on 27th September 2018 at Orchid Hotel. This conference aims to invite the submission of films for the film festival.


Education and Gender Workshop

Education and gender workshop was organized by Gender Equality Network on 28th September 2018 at Melia Yangon Hotel. Over 90 people including Dr Zaw Latt Tun, Deputy Director-General of the Education, Research, Planning and Training Department of the Ministry of Education, government officials who are currently developing curriculum, officers from the Ministry of Education and network members attended the workshop.



Meetings and Workshops attended by GEN’s representatives

 GBV Emergency Preparedness & Response Training of Trainers

GEN’s program manager, training coordinator, GEN’s SC and two GEN members attended GBV Emergency Preparedness & Response Training of Trainers organized by International Rescue Committee from 28th August to 6th September 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. 



Community Consultative Meeting on Family Planning   

GEN's consultant attended the Community  Consultativ e  Meeting on Family Planning on 7th September 2018 at Central Hotel Yangon.



Evidence Based Advocacy Development Workshop    

GEN’s program manager participated in "Evidence Based Advocacy Development Workshop”, organized by CARE International in Myanmar, in Loikaw, Kayah State as a guest speaker regarding PoVAW Law Drafting Process and MNCW Technical Working Group on 20th September 2018.


Study Visit to India 

GEN’s Deputy Director participated in the  l earning  program "Study Visit to India" organised by Fair Wear Foundation from 1st to 7th September 2018. The objective of the visit is to introduce key stakeholders from Myanmar to the legislative framework and practices in "Addressing gender-based violence and harassment in the garment sector". The program was participated by 13 various stakeholders from Myanmar including the Member of Parliamentarians, Representatives from Government, Business sectors, trade unions and INGOs/NGOs.



Gender and Labour Workshop

One-day workshop on "Gender and Labour Workshop" was organised on 21st September 2018 at Green Hill Hotel. 22 ( 4 M, 18 F) working group members joined and discussed the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace, tools for analysing gender in the workplace and the future plan for the working group.


Women’s Forum Singapore 2018

GEN’s director attended “Women’s Forum Singapore 2018: Bringing worlds for inclusive innovation” from 12th to 14th September 2018. Leaders and high-potential talents from business, government, civil society and other sectors discussed and explored best practices and proposals to create impact.



Women’s Forum for Peace

GEN’s director participated as a panelist in Women’s Forum for Peace organised by Women’s League of Burma on 19th September 2018 at Inya Lake Hotel.




Workshop on Standards for Living Arrangements and conditions for Domestic Workers

GEN's consultant attended the workshop on Standards for Living Arrangements and conditions for Domestic Workers on 21st September 2018 at Sedona Hotel Yangon.


Validation Workshop on the Strategic Note

GEN Advisor and Daw Nwe Zin Win, GEN’s Steering Committee member attended the validation workshop on the Strategic Note, 2019-2021 of UN Women at Park Royal Hotel, Yangon on 5th September 2018.



UNFPA Workshop

GEN Advisor participated in the UNFPA organized workshop to review the curriculum for population studies, both undergraduate and graduate programmes to assess the effectiveness of the programmes, and add new areas of studies including gender and development on September 9th 2018. 


Meeting for Celebration of the 2018 16 Days of Activism 2018

GEN Advisor and Programme Manager participated in the coordination meeting for celebration of the  2018 - 16 Days of Activism organized by the American Embassy, Yangon on 12th September 2018. The objective was to ensure coordinated activities among different stakeholders with one standardized message, and one theme. Many women organizations, development partners, various representatives from the Embassies and the UN agencies attended the meeting.


Disability Inclusive Development Forum

GEN Advisor and GEN Deputy Director participated in the Disability Inclusive Development Forum held at the Kempenski Hotel, Nay Pyi Taw, organized jointly by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and DFID on 26th September. Several panel discussions were organized to highlight the importance of inclusion of people of disability in development and the legal and policy matters related to disability.


Gender Analysis of the Right to Citizenship in Myanmar

GEN Advisor participated in the Workshop to present findings of the gender analysis of the right to citizenship in Myanmar jointly organized by UNHCR and UN Women in Green Hill Hotel, Yangon on 28th September. In addition to disseminating findings of the research report, the workshop brought together various key local women CSOs and networks and other gender advocates to discuss about the gender dimensions of citizenship. GEN Advisor participated in the panel to highlight issues on the role of women's organizations and networks in addressing gender related issues and citizenship.

