WHO CAN BE A MEMBER ? Membership is open to representatives from non-profit,
non-partisan NGOs, civil society organizations,INGOs,
networks and Technical Resource Persons.


For National and International Non-Government Organisations to become members of GEN, the organisations must:

  1. Work for gender equality and/or women’s rights in Myanmar
  2. Be interested in promoting gender equality in Myanmar
  3. Provide profile of the organization and organizational structure
  4. Understand strategic plans and activities of GEN
  5. Acknowledge core values and principles of GEN
  6. Present how they are able to collaborate with work of GEN upon membership application
  7. Be able to share their expertise and experience to work of GEN Submit an approval to become membership from Head of Organisation
  8. Provide names and contact information of a focal person and Head of Organisation (if applicable, of alternative focal person)
  9. Sign the consent form including role and responsibilities of being a member of GEN
  10. Be recommended by at least one existing and active member of GE


To become members of GEN, individual members must:

  1. Work for gender equality and/or women’s rights in Myanmar
  2. Be interested in promoting gender equality in Myanmar
  3. Have relevant technical expertise and experience in line with strategic plans and activities of GEN
  4. Present complete and updated profile of an individual
  5. Provide contact information including email and phone number
  6. Be recommended by at least two members of TRP
  7. Make available to contribute for GEN when it is required


All Members must -

  1. Participate in an annual assembly of all GEN members which is conducted only once a year (this responsibility does not apply to only TRP members who live outside of the country)
  2. Attend monthly member meeting at least 6 times in a year. It means that all members must be present in person four times, and they could inform via email or phone in case they could not attend two meetings. (This responsibility does not apply to only TRP members who live outside of the country)
  3. Members who are out of Yangon need to contact by email or phone to the GEN Coordination Unit for their attendance at the monthly meeting if they cannot join the meeting.
  4. Respond to emails and invitations sent from GEN Coordination Unit to confirm their acceptance on a regular basis
  5. Actively engage in, at least, one working group
  6. Regularly contribute suggestions and feedback when requested from working groups or GEN Coordination Unit
  7.  Renew membership every two years. GEN-CU will keep those organizations or individuals who confirm their willingness to continue their membership in the list of GEN members. Otherwise, their membership will be expired. The process of membership renewal is the same as the process of the membership application.
  8. Sharing information only for GEN members such as monthly meeting minutes, newsletter, draft report and the internal documents are not allow unless seeking prior permission from GEN. GEN has rights to reserve and classifies information which will share with members, friends of GEN and the general public.
  9.  Fraud, misuse or exploitation of GEN’s reputation are strictly prohibited
  10.  Provide an email address of focal person granted by an organization (not personal email)
  11.  Notify GEN-CU when a focal person of a member organization is changed
  12.  Accept visitation from GEN
  13. Give updated information on gender-related activities of an organization in member monthly meeting if presence during monthly member meeting or through emails
  14. Inform GEN-CU with a formal letter from Head of Organization or TRP if they want to terminate the membership of GEN
  15. The GEN Coordination Unit will contact GEN non-active members to support necessary assistance, and if there is no contact within six months, the members will be removed from the GEN members list. In addition, TRP members must Provide technical support as required  Facilitate and coordinate in various activities of GEN  Represent GEN at a range of external events upon prior approval of SC members Be willing to serve as a consultant as appropriate.

Must-Do Responsibilities


  1. Participate in an annual assembly of all GEN members
  2. Attend in Monthly Member Meeting for, at least, 6 times a year (per described in roles and responsibilities)
  3. Actively engage in, at least, one working group
  4. Regularly contribute suggestions and feedback when requested from working groups or Coordination Unit
  5. Respond to emails and invitations via email to confirm their acceptance on regular basis
  6. Give updated information on gender-related activities of an organization in member monthly meeting if presence during monthly member meeting or through emails

Categories of Membership


  1. Active Category – Members are regarded as “Active” members if they fulfil, at least, four out of six must-do responsibilities including participating in an annual ssembly.
  2. Supportive Category – Members are regarded as “Supportive” members if they fulfil, at least, three out of six must-do responsibilities including participating in an annual assembly.
  3. Interested Category  – Members are regarded as “Interested” members if they fulfil, at least, two out of six must-do responsibilities including participating in an annual assembly.