Monthly NewsLetter

Creativity And Innovation
Monthly newsletters 2019

1005 views 2021-03-19



Welcome to the February 2021 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter. On 1st February, the Military Coupe in Myanmar seized power, overthrowing the democratically elected government. Tens of thousands of people came to the streets in defian... Read More.

Monthly newsletters 2019

741 views 2021-02-23



Welcome to the January 2021 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter. January marks the beginning of a fresh new year and GEN would like to send all the best wishes to everyone. We hope that 2021 brings us vaccines and restores normality.Read More.

Monthly newsletters 2019

1744 views 2021-01-11


Welcome to the December 2020 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter. A year has again passed, and everyone would agree that 2020 hit us hard. Nevertheless, despite unprecedented challenges, GEN was able to move forward with quick momentum thanks to donor... Read More.

Monthly newsletters 2019

778 views 2020-12-08


Welcome to the November 2020 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter. In November, GEN’s annual member assembly was successfully held via Zoom. This marked a milestone for GEN since it is the very first assembly through the virtual platform, yet it ... Read More.

Monthly newsletters 2019

749 views 2020-11-05



Welcome to the October 2020 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter. We at the GEN-CU are still working from home as the number of Covid-19 cases hasn’t declined. However, the 16 Days of Activities has begun in October through a varie... Read More.

Monthly newsletters 2019

973 views 2020-10-06

Mingalarbar !


Welcome to the September 2020 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter. Since the beginning of September, the number of Covid-19 cases in Myanmar surged. The second wave hits harder than the first wave, resulting in a mandatory stay at home... Read More.