Monthly NewsLetter

Creativity And Innovation
Monthly newsletters 20191

391 views 2019-03-03


Welcome to the February 2019 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter! A lot of workshops and consultation meetings were held in February and GEN also conducted the staff capacity building workshop at the end of the month. As the International Wo... Read More.

Monthly newsletters 2019 1

566 views 2019-02-21


Welcome to the January 2019 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter! A new year has just begun and we hope this year brings you joy and happiness. At GEN, everyone is back from the holidays and ready start afresh with good energy. We always re... Read More.

Monthly newsletters 2019 05

680 views 2018-12-09


Welcome to the December 2018 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter! We are saying goodbye to 2018 and looking forward to 2019. Forever White Ribbon Film Festival Closing and Award Ceremony and GEN’s Members’ Assembly took place in Dec... Read More.

Vol 29  oct 2018

383 views 2018-10-31


Welcome to the November 2018 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter... A month has passed again but we are far from slowing down and busy with celebrating the 16 Days of Activism by organising the Forever White Ribbon Film Festival ... Read More.

Vol 28  spt 2018

419 views 2018-10-01


Welcome to the October 2018 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter... October is a special month because of Thadingyut festival aka the Lighting Festival of Myanmar. GEN also celebrated the festival by paying homage to our elders.

 We... Read More.

Vol 28  spt 2018

379 views 2018-10-01


Welcome to the September 2018 Edition of the GEN Monthly Newsletter! This September, GEN has turned 10 years. GEN would not have achieved this far without the support of its committed and dedicated members, the donors who supported GEN financiall... Read More.